Hearts & Noses to Attend Blue Sky Day
October 19, 2018
Training Provides Additional Tools for the Troupe Toolbox
October 19, 2018
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Introduction to Hospital Clowning Workshop November 3 & 4, 2018

Hearts & Noses is again offering its two-day workshop on the introduction to hospital clowning. Beginning with clown character development, students are led through exercises from finding their clown walk to discovering how clowns see the world. Throughout the workshop the facilitators share how each learning experience is tied to hospital clowning.

The Troupe has had people come from all over to take the workshop, learning more about their already developed clown or to discover their abilities to develop a clown character. Many people have taken this workshop with no expectation of becoming a hospital clown but to learn how to connect better through play. For more information on this year’s workshop, contact Cheryl at info@heartsandnoses.org.